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Friday, July 23, 2010

Design of life...

Hey..wrote this piece for a journal.

Life for me has been an amazing series of episodes,which have happened when they did.

Clearly,there is a plan...

And all that I need to do,is stop coming in the way of fulfilling it.

I have discovered,that failure and success are but expressions of our judgment,made in the narrow context of immediate wants and needs...

These perceived failures and successes give rise to AHAM...

My AHAM...plays out in various forms..ARROGANCE, HOPELESSNESS, JEALOUSY, RAGE...

Life ironically pays no heed...It keeps flowing...takes its course...inspite of me carrying my baggage of AHAM..It just makes my journey tedious and tiring...

On the other hand,when in moments I manage to flow with life,traveling light,giving a miss to my AHAM...The journey is full of joy,peace and bliss,like how I want my life to be.

A friend of mine shared,'The road is my destination" is what Chilean Highway truckers who spend their life driving up and down Route5 ,the longest highway in the country write on the back of their truck...

I share with you one "millimeter stone" during my drive through highway life...

Since my school days I was clear that I loved acting.

Encouraged by my parents,I participated in theater workshops for children,was doing plays with eminent directors and even traveling to perform...

School plays gave way to productions with professionally trained groups by the time I was studying History in college.

The three college years saw me spending all my post college hours( from 12noon to nearly midnight)with my theater group...rehearsing, and watching plays and films,engaging in discussions,reading classic scripts of films and plays,theater games,working on voice,diction...

I had found my calling...ACTING...I loved it.I was enjoying each moment as I edged towards my goal of joining the National School Of Drama (N.S.D.)

Nothing could keep me away...My parents were supportive,my peers were encouraging,I was preparing for the entrance...Plays,literature,

And then it happened...I was thrown out of my group.

The group which gave me my existence,my base,my training would have no more of me...I was out.

I was hurt,angry upset and completely vindictive to the point of self destruct...

I said I will never act again and started assisting behind the camera...

This continued for a year...I assisted noted TV producer Vinod dua and documentary maker Mike pandey.

During this time I set my eyes on the Jamia Miliya and its latest addition the course in Mass communication.

My watching numerous films,working with eminent news producers and extensive work in post production gave me a treasure of experience which made my getting admission an absolute walk over.

The first was a written exam which required us to watch a film and answer some questions about the content and the way it was made...This was a basic test to weed out anyone who did not have any interest or had no aptitude towards cinema.

The next was the gruel ling interview with an eminent panel in the form a workshop...This was the crunch test which was to separate the wheat from the chaff to gain entry into the institute.

I was confident in my preparation and my peers and bosses whom I worked with,gave me glowing letters of reference on the basis of how I had worked with them.

The preliminary exam was a cakewalk.

We were shown a film I had seen before,the questions were very simple and I answered with flourish.

Now it was the interview which stood between me and admission and my future as a television producer of shows.

The plan was that we,a group of fellow aspirants would go to Jamia, collect the results of the preliminary test and then go and watch a film and have a discussion on it as a mock for the final interview.

The plan was not to be.

The result showed I had failed in the preliminary basic test,which was meant to test the basic knowledge and aptitude towards films.

I could not believe my eyes..Nor could anyone for whom I had worked with or known me...

Till today I do not know how I failed in that basic test..

But I know I got back to acting,was amongst the 18 selected amidst hundreds who had applied for the NSD..

Today I have made a proffession out of my passion..I spend day in and out with my first love...acting.

There was someone or something 24 years back,which thwarted my desire to self destruct,to choose another profession not because I liked it,but because I was angry with some people.

Over the years I am now consistently present to a design...a design for me and for others around me...

And ever so much I realize each day,I am actually a conduit to fulfill...what I am to fulfill.

I choose it.

Thank you for being with me..


  1. Really nice inspired by u...n am taking all ur advice u gave me when we last met into consideration... :) Thx...Cheers

  2. A class act. Thank you for sharing! :)

  3. Beautiful :-)
    esp this: "And ever so much I realize each day, I am actually a conduit to fulfill...what I am to fulfill.
    I choose it."
    Thank you for sharing AND for finding your way back to doing what you love :-)

    hugs, Shruti

  4. WOW
    The Power of Now

    Your article, Sorry Sorry, millimeter stone is comparable with steve Jobs Apples letter.

    Wonderfully written and this is what life is.

    I want to share similar things in my life,

    when there were change of course, i was not allowed to pursue courses i chose or i got admissions (polytechnic, medical) because my father could not afford hostel or because my mark in chemistry not enough for forward community.

    Life offered me B.Sc. Chemistry!!!!! I studied it, later when i could not get M.Sc. Chemistry again being forward community and other state did not give me seat,

    thanks to linguistic state and reservation, today i am successful FCA with 22 years of practice, who just finished LLB, going to be Lawyer.

    Life offered me in 2002 Disorder Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and host of ailments which resulted in chance to learn music - veena last year, drama acting this year.

    Life is only one moment. Live that moment. No Past or future. those dots are not to be joined to make a line.

    Life is a Journey

  5. It is more important that we remember those days. It is good you do.

    Having been a part of 'this pursuit of fulfillment' as a classmate, and those early theater days, I congratulate you for what you have achieved.

    What I found missing was the Merchant Navy Ambition.

    Anyways I look forward to you, your work and a possible Old Pals Reunion.

    Good Wishes..............Hemant Sharma

  6. Hats off to you..

    Coz at this time I'm also at the same situation I'm so demotivate and still havn't got any call from Media or Production House and you doesn't believe that 3 Days back I was also tried to destroy myself.

    But today Don't know how I check my facebook and your pic is shown in people you may know and I'm so surprise that I can see 1 of my Ideal in my profile...

    Great Sir... Coz sir I like your acting...
    that's the brilliant job you're doing...

    Keep it up...

    Gud Luck...

    With Heartiest Regards,
    Shalu Gautam

  7. During reading , I forgot that i am reading this from a good author or from very good actor.

    Er. Ravi Saxena ( Ravindra Mohan )
    09981769177 // 09424421247

  8. ashish, I am not sure if you rememebr me.I am Avinash.
    We were together at Childrens' workshop at NSD was one of the Phantom/Hardy:-)
    Pankaj Saxena,KD...
    stumbled on your blog while googling for u this afternoon...
    wonderful piece..I am going to make sure my 15 years old son Arush reads it as well.

  9. Nice words sir!!!!!! Really inspiring!!! The words about success and failure are really words of realisation!!!!!

  10. Hi Ashish .. beautifully written...... sometimes when we are facing a road block, its nature's way of testing our self belief, our hunger,and our capability whether we really deserve something or not....

  11. Great Ashish sir...You are a good actor by expressions, but always someone dubs for you. Can't you speak in Tamil? I also participated NSD's Chennai Theatre Workshop and got certificate from them. It was really a great experience for me. Now I am preparing myself to become a good film director.

  12. It's an awesome piece of writing. I can truly identify with all these phases of ur life. I studied History and Mass higher studies and loved acting from my childhood. I'm trying to live with my passion & struggling to survive without losing my principles.Though I'm too small to even match 1% of ur achievements. I'm inspired...

  13. Ashish
    Truly inspiring and awesome.
    This inspires me to work in direction of my choice.
